In an interview with RIA Novosti on Tuesday 31 / 1, the directors of the Corporation tactical missile system (KTRV), Mr.Boris Obonosov revealed the company had handed over fully the anti-ship missiles Kh-35E for 2009-2010 in Vietnam since the contract was signed before that.
According to KTRV contract in 2009, including 17 anti-ship missiles worth 767 million rubles 3M24E, and in 2010 has continued to transfer additional 16 missiles of this type (656 million rubles), with eight training missiles 3M24EMB worth 72million rubles.
Kh-35E also known as Uran-E is the main anti-ship missiles on surface ships of the Navy in Vietnam, two typical warship HQ-011 Gepard 3.9 Dinh Tien Hoang and HQ-012 Ly Thai.
3M24 or Kh-35 (with variations exports respectively 3M24E orKh-35E) is subsonic anti-ship missiles, fly close to the sea by KTRV development, manufacturing variations in aircraftequipment, direct promoted, surface ships (the system Uran /Uran-E) and the system name, flame coast Bal / Bal-E.
Subsonic anti-ship missiles Kh-35E tactical has a range of 130km used to destroy the missile boats, torpedo boats, ships,artillery, surface ships with 5000 tons of water to stretch andshipping vessels. Russia has developed variations Kh35-UE improved features greater than 2 to 2.5 times the Kh-35E and a range of 260 km, twice the Kh-35E.
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